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There is magic in art and art in magic!  
The Illusionists- Magic of the Holidays  brings both to the National Theater for that magical time of Christmas with  amazing acts of illusions, close-up magic, mentalism, daring escapes, and technological spectacle. 
Dizzy Partridge is “The Trickster” who  combine  magic, physical comedy, and theatrical thievery with mischievous British charm.
Over the last 20 years, “The Showman” Steve Valentine has appeared in over 250 hours of TV and film, as he  constantly changes and morphs into a myriad of wild, quirky, funny, dangerous, and always unique characters.
Valentin Azema is “The Elusive”  delivers a one-of-a-kind experience of wonder and mystery with a French touch and a dash of humor.
British escape artist Jonathan Goodwin is  “The Daredevil.” Goodwin has been hanged, buried alive, hung by his toes from helicopters, burned at the stake, attacked by sharks, bitten by rattlesnakes, dodged arrows, and climbed under moving cars.
“The Delusionist” is Stuart MacLeod, a Scottish BAFTA nominee, who has created some of the most controversial magic on television, played to sell-out crowds all over the world and racked up over 100 million views on YouTube.
From France is Florian Sainvet, “The Manipulator,” began his career in magic at the age of sixteen, but it was while devouring his favorite science fiction films and universes at his beloved neighborhood cinema. 
“The Transformationalists” Sos & Victoria combine fashion, stagecraft, and sleight-of-hand in a dazzling display of a flick of the wrists, a twist, and a twirl that  transmutes their apparel into looks for any occasion.
Kudos to the wonderful Magician assistants: April Anneberg, Manon Chaney, Rob Coglitore, and Todd Hampton.   
And  of course, to the audience members who participated in the magic illusions!  
Each one of these international stars would be a treat to view for an evening.  Together they make up “ The Greatest Magic Show in the Universe.”  
At the National Theater until  Dec. 8, 2019.

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