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 Once is here again!  The Brooklyn Gallery Players reach into the treasure chest of great musicals to bring Once alive and on stage in Brooklyn (until to December 17, 2023).

Director Mark Gallagher, and Music Directors David Fletcher and Brendon McCray have crafted a vibrant production, seamlessly integrating the 15 member cast in roles  as both actors and musicians.

Set in Dublin, the  formula for the poignant love triangle  is simple. Patrick Newhart  plays Guy, an Irish musician who has given up  on love as he sings the award winning classic  Falling.  Newhart mastered the bombastic busking guitar style and performed each of his songs with intensity and passion

Sophie Smith-Brody  is Girl,  a Czech woman  who will inspire him to try again both in  love and with music. Smith-Brody performed each of her disparate songs with aplomb,  from the opening classical piece to her plaintive solos – If You Want Me and The Hill.

 The performance starts  with an “ impromptu”  pre show Irish jam session led by violinist Melody Allegra Berger.   Each song adds more as cast members on instruments culminate in rowdy sing alongs that include the full ensemble, and audience.

Gallagher makes clever use of the space to create distinct scenes, each building  in  intensity to grip the heart strings. Fletcher and McCray produced magical moments from the intimate songs of Guy and Girl, to the full production numbers involving all the musicians, with movement.  Ej Pada Pada and Gold  are stand outs.   

Choreographer Gwendolyn Gussman keeps it all moving!

Unforgetable moments include Dominika Handzlik as Resa, who captures this seductive role,  while performing on violin with intense athleticism. Harrison Beer is hilarious  as Billy with his impeccable comic timing,  underscoring his dialogue with  supporting physical postures.  Nick Mason as Svec, the over caffeinated often inappropriate drummer, gets a hearty  laugh every time he speaks.

 The band — Xavier Cardriche,  Shannon Connolly, Mike Durkin, Sydney Jo Gershon  Julia Ty Goldberg , Shea Gordon  Delphi Hatsatouris, T. Scott Lilly,  Evelyn Pope ,Tommy Snow —all join in the joy of this heartfelt production.

Once has been noted for having a simple setting but that is not so simple to re-create. Set Designer Jerry Mittelhauser, Props Designer Jessica Smith, Lighting Designer Alan Sporing  and Costume Designer Molly Goldberg  — all make that happen — by joining  their creativie talents with the performers on stage.

The play is  set in Dublin —Dialect Coach Dominic Cuskern gets that right!

Kudos to all those we do not see on the stage  but without which  could not have had this show:  Creative Producer Michelle Danahy, Assistant Producer Catherine Cosentino, Production Stage Manager Emily LaRosa and Social Media Manager Nic Neipert.

From the start —far from Broadway in Ireland  where it began as  a film in 2007— crossing the ocean to become the hit Broadway musical,  Once  along the way has won a legendary number of  international awards including  an Academy Award in  2008 for best song , to  Grammy  to Drama Desk awards and  a record breaking  eight Tonys.  

Once is now again getting standing ovations and seling out in its final two weekends at the The Brooklyn Gallery Players.  


 Get your tickets for remaining preformances before Decembrer 17  -  for Thurs., Fri., Sat .@ 8:00pm, Sat. @ 2:00pm, Sun. @ 3:00pm at:

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