THE FATHER Ted van Griethuysen is so convincing as Andre in The Studio Theatre’s The Father that for the first few moments of the play I was sure that the other actors switching around as his daughter and her husband (a musical chairs feat of actors Kate Eastwood Norris Caroline Dubberly, Erika Rose, Manny Buckley and Daniel Harray)— were all in on a scam to commit him and take his worldly possessions. So was this a detective mystery or a play about the declining brain? In a way, it turns out to be both, as we try to piece together reality from Andre’s demented viewpoint. Seeing people who are not there, seeing people as being others then who they are— and the resulting confusion as to what he hears them say to him— is part of his slow painful process of decline. The flashing lights between the breaks in the scenes well suit the blank moments that memory recedes in the mind. The confusion of what the place is— no lon...
Celia Sharpe Reviews the World