GO GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR JOURNEY TO THE WEST You don’t need to go to a travel agent and book THE TRIP OF YOUR LIFETIME—Let Constellation Theatre Company take you places you cannot imagine! In Journey to the West, the artistry of director Allison Arkell Stockman and playwright Mary Zimmerman converge for a multi-layered experience. A Buddhist monk (according to ancient Chinese legend) is in search of sacred scriptures in India. Along the way, he meets a rambunctious monkey (the mind which flips and turns), an insatiable pig (the body and base appetites), and a fiery river monster (heart and muscle). What started as the re-telling of a historic pilgrimage of a 7th century monk, and became the legend that was recorded as one of China’s four classical novels in the 16th century, has in turn spawned hundreds of films, operas and books on into the 21st century. Over the centuries, the ...
Celia Sharpe Reviews the World